Just a Tune

“See simplicity in the complicated. Achieve greatness in little things” Lao Tzu

Good day my children! I hope all is well! Here the sun is hot and shining!

I hope you have decided to walk with us, and even if you do not it is ok.

There are many ways for us to focus on things that can help all in meditation.

Silence is important but, the mind wonders so much it can drive one crazy.

So one way that may help anyone is getting a candle, light it up and just breathe and stare at the flame. Remember we practice for only 5 minutes.

Another way are the scales tones that are used for practiced when it comes to singing Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do and then do it backwards.

This is so helpful for one to focus and quite the mind. And in no time you will be meditating.

Also, let us not forget prayer it helps it will calm the mind and help one lose pain in the mind.

A fun way is go to youtube their are many guided meditations, I use them at times so that I can focus the mind on the voice.

Try one out what can it hurt? Remember, that the goal is to be aware of who we really are!

Again, my sweet loving children thank you for walking and reading these few words.

Hugs and lot’s of love!



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