Balancing the Body with Sound

“Man Did Not Weave the Web of life: He is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web he does to himself.” Chief Seattle

Blessings to all of my children! I hope all of you are doing well. I am blessed to be here once more to share a few words with you all!

Do you realized that we all carry a energy field? Remember, my last blog I touch a little about sound. Well, your body reacts to sound.

Sound can heal as well, that it can hurt. The body has a scale just like music and that vibration is what the universe hears.

As you practice your meditation and now understand the your mind is a place of constant chatter, as the scale of music, there is another way to help with the voice from within.

This scale has been chanted for 5,000 years all over the world. Monks, Gurus, and teacher’s like Deeppa Chorppa have trusted this method.

Here is a little history of the many names this energy is explained in different parts of the world.

In India the word is prana (which means the breath of life), in Japan is known as Ki (is life it self), in China it is Chi (Qi) is life force.

These traditions live on because they work, where a doctor my fail another kind of medicine may cure! This I believe, but, are society thinks we have no other choice but, for what they provide.

Mind, body, and spirit they kill us slowly with their made up medicine. Just tune into your mind and the body will change and your spirit will grow!

Am not saying all medicine is bad, but, the way they are pushing drugs and these cure’s are very alarming.

That is why I am teaching you to see healing in a different light. You can be whatever you desire but, your health is your wealth.

Today I will give you the sound of your root chakra which is Lam. When you meditate just chant Lam for your 5 minutes. This will help balance your root chakra.

We will do this scale a little at a time so you can feel at ease. It will all take time but, what you put into it you will get out of it.

As alway my wonderful children practice and practice and in time you will be the victor. For all of us to grow we must work at it.

Blessing to all!



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