“To order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision” Dalia Lama
Hello, my wonderful children! It has been some time for life gets in the way. But, I hope all is well with you all.
Before, we go any further I need to explain what are chakras.
Chakras are the spinning wheels of the body. They hold emotions, pain and suffering. These wheels spin to the right and the left.
They can become unbalanced when life gets in the way. Take this as an example: you and your partner break it off.
You are hurt, crying and wondering what did you do for this to come to a end. Well the chakras pick it up and hold on to it.
This is the way meditations and chanting help in removing the unbalancement in the body.
So, as we go deeper into the art we can heal from within.
As time goes by we must add more time to are meditation. Till we reach are age group. Think I have been doing this for 30 years.
I truly enjoy all the years that I have put into this journey, for now I see clearer and I do not have to hold on to pain, suffering, and even stress.
This is why I desire to help others so they too, can feel free from life and be happier.
I am very grateful for all those who give these words a chance.
With that I give you all love, peace and lot’s of happiness.
See you all soon! And keep on working on yourselves to be the greatest version of yourself.
Have a wonderful day everyone.